The European Microwave Conference (EuMC) is held as part of the European Microwave Week.
This is the largest event in Europe dedicated to a broad range of high frequency related topics, ranging from semiconductor materials, MMICs and microwave circuit design to radar, high speed and mobile system applications.
The EuMC serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in circuit oriented device modelling and design; modelling and design of high frequency and high data rate photonics; design of subsystems and systems on a chip. The scope includes passive and active components, electromagnetic field theory and theoretical and experimental developments on wave propagation, antennas and antenna systems. Special emphasis is placed on new designs and design methods and emerging technologies like MEMS. In addition to scientific papers, contributions are requested on systems and applications, covering the fields of telecommunications, radar, space, automotive, sensors and defence systems.
Calls for Papers usually mention: microwave and RF circuits and components; active and non-linear hybrid and monolithic circuits and systems; technology and materials; field theoretical and numerical methods; antennas and wave propagation; measurements, electromagnetic fields; and systems and applications.
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