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Anniversary of 1st EuMW

The European Microwave Week in Madrid, 2018, celebrated the 20th anniversary of the First EuMW, held in Amsterdam 1998, by devoting a Special Session to the event.

R. Sorrentino, EuMA President in 1998, introduced the programme of the Session presentations made by the six EuMA founder members, respectively, after a presentation by A. Wilson, who became Honoraty Secretary of the EuMC Management Committee in 1988 and is Honorary Secretary of the EuMA since 1998:
  • The years before the European Microwave Week, A.F. Wilson
  • The Last stand-alone European Microwave Conference - Jerusalem 1997, A. Madjar
  • The Simultaneous Creation of the European Microwave Week and Association, A. Vander Vorst
  • The First European Microwave Week - Amsterdam 1998, L. Ligthart
  • The Evolution of the EuMW and EuMA, R. Sorrentino
  • The Future becomes the Present - Circuits and Antennas, S. Nightingale
  • The Future becomes the Present - Automated Driving, H. Meinel

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