Defence and Security Forum
Defence and security impacts all levels – international, cross border, regional and on individual citizens. Threats can come from land, sea or air and can be enacted by armies or a single terrorist. To combat such diverse dangers and protect lives, national and international defence and security agencies define and instigate policies, academia and research engineers strive to develop new and improved technologies and industry endeavours to efficiently and cost effectively bring them to market. Political, budgetary and technological constraints influence decision making, timescales and final implementation. The EuMW Defence, Security Forum puts these issues into perspective and analyzes and discusses how they are being addressed in Europe and beyond.
The EuMW Defence/Security Forum is a special event within the EuMW focusing on Space and Defence issues, incorporating the EuRAD Opening Session and featuring the EuMW Defence and Security Executive Forum, that offers delegates the opportunity to benefit from the expertise and experience of representatives from government defence/space agencies and leading defence/space contractors who will provide insights into how their organizations view future developments in space and defence and the role of technology in addressing these developments. The presentations and discussions will cover market trends for the next generation systems, technology and system trends, complemented by major governmental programmes and budget overviews and next generation, disruptive and emerging technology requirements
The Forum includes every year a dedicated session that focusses on Defence and Security from an industrial perspective and considers the application of the microwave technology that is being developed to address the important issues of the day. Each year The Forum focuses on a special topic. In depth briefings are presented by leading professionals in this field. Tutorials by industry and agency experts provides an insight into the latest developments. The EuMW Defence/Security Executive Forum features Executives from space and defence agencies and leading defence/space contractors who will consider the issues that their organizations are currently addressing and the role that technology has to play. The Executive Forum concludes with an open panel discussion with questions from the floor.
The Defence and Security Forum is jointly organized by EuMA and Microwave Journal.